CTMKenya. Nairobi Leadership Foundation
Economic Empowerment

Economic Empowerment

Strengthening families and livelihoods

Our Programs

Micro loans

Biblical Entrepreneurship


Exisiting Models

Inspiration Center Mathare

Lyrec Kawangware


Furaha Community

Sonya Undugu Initiative

What we do

We partnership with other organizations, CTM Kenya train community members in different parts of our cities in Biblical Entrepreneurship Development. This is a practical tool towards economic empowerment and social transformation. It is a process by which the church is able to address economical realities and setbacks in the society as well as propagate holistic development.

Highway of Hope Initiative

God is concerned about hurting world where poverty, corruption and other forms of injustice is the order of the day.  The church continues to struggle to maintain her position as a transforming agent. The gap between the rich and poor continues  widen. It is important to equip the church to respond holistically, based on biblical principles to counter these oppressive realities of our day.  Economic empowerment is one of our contribution as a solution to combat  poverty.


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